Today I am exactly 20 weeks, the half way point! Hopefully the second half will fly by!
*How far along?: 20 weeks
*Total weight gain: 8 lbs
*How big is baby?: I think about 7 inches, and a little less than a pound
*Maternity clothes?: Yes!
*Sleep?: with my snoogle
*Best moment this week?: Finding out we are having a boy!
*Movement?: Yes! I love feeling him move!
*Food cravings?: Pickles and lemonade (no, not together!)
*Labor signs?: way too soon for that
*Belly button in or out?: It is starting to come out, yikes!
*What I miss: My ankles (they disappear about halfway through the day)
*What I'm looking forward to: Setting up the nursery
*Milestone: Big ultrasound