Our Halloween card:

On Tuesday in Moms Meeting Moms, we had a Halloween party
My cute little lion!
He loved my water cup. I don't even bother bringing his own toys anymore; he'd much rather play with my water cup or steal other babies toys
Have you ever seen a cuter lion?? I mean, really
I just can't take enough pictures of him!
Friday, at Kindermusik, the babies dressed in their costumes and we had a costume parade!
And he's off. He didn't stay with me at all that day! He had his own agenda
Apparently lion was a very popular costume choice among babies this year
Bye, Jake
See where the circle is? See where my baby is?
And when I brought him back, he crawled to Miss Katrina
and then crawled away again
All the babies in their costumes
Jacob loves the bubbles! He always tries to catch them
Here we are in the costume parade!
The 3 lions
eating his egg shaker
we put them all on the parachute
He didn't care for it
Bubbe and Tanta Sarah came to spend Jake's first Halloween (weekend) with him! Saturday (the 30th) we went to Downtown Disney, while Daddy did some stuff around the house
Someone gave Jacob a sticker
Don't these look awesome??
and these
and all these
Trying on all the funny hats
That night, Bubbe and Tanta Sarah stayed with Jacob while Sean and I went to Amanda's Halloween party. But first, a family picture

Sunday (Halloween!) we went to the dog costume parade on park avenue. Don't let Bailey's face fool you- she loved her costume! haha
They had doggie trick or treats everywhere
interesting costume
it says got poop. I couldn't get him to hold it right though
Lunch at briar patch. Bubbe and Jake playing around
First of 2 halloween bibs
Watching our wedding video. He kept reaching for us!
Time to carve pumpkins!
Pumpkin guts!
I gave up on mine and Sean ended up carving it
Here is mine (Sean's)! The Jacob pumpkin. It has 2 front teeth and 2 bottom teeth just like Jacob! And his name on the side
all 3 pumpkins- Sarah's, Sean's, mine/Sean's
notice the matching socks
What better food to try on Halloween than pumpkin?
Halloween bib #2- from Bubbe and Zayde
He likes it! (yes this is his like face. If you would like to see the dislike face, please refer to the avocado post)
The jack-o-lanterns ready to go!
front of mine
side of mine