Jacob's 2 year appointment
Nurse Ebony let him color with the markers...but he still cried while she measured him!
We weighed Charlotte while we were there - only 1oz away from birth weight at 6 days old! Which means she probably hit her birth weight the next day at one week exactly!
Jacob did not appreciate the exam. At all. But the doctor said everything looks good! He estimated that he is going to be about 6 feet tall

Charlotte meets Rocco
How appropriate is his shirt? Love it!
Baby swap!
Nicole visits
0 month picture
Natalia visits
Tummy time! I love the ruffle butt!
"Mommy's white balance is off and she is too tired to fix it in PS! I'm not really THAT red!"
Practicing my fencing
Daddy play!
Could they possibly look more alike??
Charlotte's first walk- we walked with Bubbe and Zayde and Jake to Interlachen Country Club
Jacob following Zayde to see the bird
He had fun pulling his wagon around
It was a beautiful day!
1-13 2 weeks old exactly- second doctor appointment
She gained 8oz in the past 8 days- perfect! So proud of my awesome eater! Just look at that belly! When I did a before and after weight at TEA the other day, she took 3oz in 8 MINUTES! Unreal!
I knew her head was tiny!