We had a wonderful weekend in South Florida visiting family and friends! We left on Thursday and returned Sunday. Daddy could not come since he had to work :(
Jacob learned 3 new things this weekend:
Jacob learned 3 new things this weekend:
1. How to go from crawling to sitting
2. He did the "milk" sign twice! We have been working on it for months- when I nurse him I say milk and do the sign. On the Saturday before bed feeding he did the sign while he was eating, and I did not say it or do it! Then he did it again at the 2am (yes, he woke up at 2am! grrr) feeding! It eased the pain of getting up for my baby who usually sleeps through the night!
3. He learned a new trick- I will show you below!
3. He learned a new trick- I will show you below!
First stop: Nana and Poppy's
He tries to pull himself up on everything
He loves the photo albums
Sarah, Mom, Jake and Nana and Poppy

Poppy and Jake
The next day, back and Grandma and Grandpa's
This time we brought the blocks

Jake and Nana

Nana's shoelaces are SO fun!
Next we went to visit Alyssa and baby Micah. He has grown so much since we saw him last! He is 2 months younger than Jacob (if you can believe that!)
Playing in Micah's room

Micah decides it might be fun to taste Jacob's hair

Josh comes home- now we can really have some fun with pictures!
Group hug!
Then we had a great idea- lets put them both in the glider and take some pictures! It will be SO cute! What could go wrong?
Picture #1- Jacob tries to flip out of the chair
Picture #2- do you see what is happening here?
Let's go in for a closer look-

Yep, Jacob leaned over and spit up on Micah (look at his leg)
I like this one because Micah is pointing at it like "look what he did!" We abandoned the glider idea

Feet! Jacob's is on the left
Micah is 2 months younger but so much taller!

Mommies and babies. Our lives have changed a little since our college days ;)
And flashback to a few months earlier: Jacob was 2 and 1/2 months, Micah was 2 weeks old

And we had to take this picture as well, so we could compare it with the old one. I can't believe how much they have changed!

Jacob snoozed through that photo session!
Jacob really will not stay in once place anymore! "I'm off!"
Trying out Micah's jumperoo
That night we met the family at Cheesecake Factory for dinner
Jacob's new favorite thing at restaurants is to play with the spoons. I think every spoon at our table was on the floor by the end of the meal!
Jacob and Shaina
Hand off to Aunt Audrey
We celebrated Uncle Michael's birthday
The next day (Saturday), at Uncle Michael and Aunt Audrey's house...
Notice anything wrong with this picture?
A closer look....

Bubbe put Jake's diaper on backwards!

He has an audience wherever he goes!

This is the first time I saw him go from crawling to sit!
And here is Tanta Sarah, demonstrating Jake's newest trick!
Jake says "Ahhhhhhh" and then you pat his mouth and he makes Indian sounds! Then he laughs
Standing by himself! Yikes!

Kisses from Nana

Kim visits! We went out to lunch while Jacob napped, and then we came back so she could see him
Fun with a mirror!!!

He kept trying to reach through the mirror to get to the baby!

My little narcissist giving himself a kiss
The next day (Sunday) back at Grandma and Grandpa's
Sarah feeding Jake- straight bananas! Yum!

Banana Boy
Zayde feeds Jake
I think he and Allie will have some fun now that they're both so active and moving!