Or don't....because Jacob has a new rain coat and rain boots he wants to try out! It was sprinkling a tiny bit, so we went outside to find some puddles!

I was really surprised at how well he was walking in the boots!
At first he was just kind of wandering around
But then he headed over into our neighbors driveway where there were some great puddles, and he finally understood what to do! Without me showing him, he figured it out on his own. Smart kid :)
And then- he fell! He tripped and landed flat on his face. Poor guy! No pictures of that since I dropped my camera (good thing it was strapped around my neck) and ran inside with him.
Here he is with his new boo-boo's:
He was such a trooper. He cried for about 2 minutes, and then went on his way.
In fact, he did not even stay mad at those silly rain boots. He brought one over to me and insisted I put it on him. Then he wore it (just the one) while he played with his refrigerator magnets.
"What's so funny?"
And then he took it off and examined it