We traveled to Atlanta for the weekend to meet the newest member of our family, Max Benjamin. My dad performed the bris on Friday.

Proud parents
The parents with the godparents
My boys in their matching outfits!
Grandma with her newest great-grandson
Grandma, Grandpa and Max
My little walker. This is the weekend when he REALLY started walking. He has been taking steps for some time now, but this weekend he has really started wanting to walk more than crawling
On Saturday, we met up with Aunt Lynn and family and went to the Georgia aquarium
sting ray pool
He is wearing the GA aquarium t-shirt that my parents bought for him in the airport!
I think he just likes the water!
I love the belugas
whale shark
manta ray
Nap time
This guy looks scary (over my head)
and this guy
Mom and I
BIG fish tank
garden eels
the seahorse tank was SO pretty
Of course, he found the stairs
my walker!
You know we couldn't leave without getting him a souvenir! (or a few)
With his Baby Beluga book
The family
In the car with his new beluga
Back to Marc and Leslie's for a bbq dinner
Jake and Emma took a bath together- aren't they cute?
This looks sweet- but it did not end well! Jacob is going through an "everything is mine phase". So even when I brought MORE cups into the bath, he decided he had to have them all. Which Emma did not like. Can't say I blame her. That was the end of bath time.
Sarah and Max
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