Sean had been working and out of town a lot, so we decided to get away for a long weekend. We chose Hutchinson Island because...well...they had availability on such short notice!

Going out to the beach!
Going out to the beach!
Bathtub Beach- it has a reef surrounding it, making the water calmer
Sean took these underwater pics while he was snorkeling
snack time!
This picture appears to be out of order
He made a picture frame during art time at the hotel
A very rocky beach (that we went to BEFORE bathtub beach..yeah these are out of order)
And here is where my camera fogs up. I kept cleaning it but it would fog immediately. Darn humidity!
Bathtub Beach again (we only went there once but again, these are not in order)
Not a fan at first!
These are his 18 month pictures that I did on the beach in the evening

throwing sand in the air

At our beach at the hotel
admiring Daddy's sand castle city
And this is a wave knocking me over!
He liked climbing in his stroller and trying to buckle himself in!
First ice cream cone!

This is what happened when Daddy took it away for a few seconds to clean it up

getting every last bit!

And this is what happened when Daddy tried to take it away- no thanks!

on our balcony

On the way home we stopped at an aquarium

trying to pet the sting rays

touching a starfish

feeding the fish


For the foggy lens, hold it to your body for about a minute to get the camera warm.