4-26-11 - this is the night we found out Jacob was going to be a big brother! I couldn't post this at the time since we were keeping it a secret, so here is the story. It was a Tuesday night, and I had decided I was going to take a pregnancy test on Thursday, which is the day I would be officially "late". Sean called me on his way home from work to tell me someone had given him tickets (BOX seats!) to the Magic game, we had to leave as soon as he got home and his mom was on his way over to babysit. They were in the playoffs so it was a big game! I rushed to get ready, get Jacob's dinner ready and everything ready for Sean's mom. She arrived about the same time as Sean, and just as we were about to leave it occured to me- I COULD be pregnant, and sitting in the box means free unlimited beer! What to do? I asked Sean and he suggested I throw a pregnancy test in my purse and take it at the game (there was no time to take it at home, we had to leave!).
It was a great game and the Magic won!
Stuff the Magic Dragon
Nicole happened to be there so she came over and sat with us for a bit
Sean and Nicole and I
And the result- pretty clear! I was pregnant! There is a little more to the story though. A few weeks ago we had a discussion about how I would tell Sean I was pregnant this time (whenever "this time" ended up being). He said he did not like the way I told him the first time (basically pouncing on him as soon as his alarm went off at 6am with the pee stick that he couldn't even see...who wouldn't like that? haha). So we discussed different ways to do it, and decided that this time SEAN would look at the stick and tell ME if we were pregnant. Well even though things had changed a little (I never imagined I'd be testing at a basketball game!), I wanted to stick with our plan so I threw a plastic bag in my purse along with the test. After I took it I stuck it in the bag without looking, came back to Sean and handed it to him. He studied it for a while and I was sure it was negative and he was just looking for something that wasn't there. Finally he turned to me and said "I think you're pregnant!". Turns out it was so dark where we were sitting he was having a hard time seeing the line. We walked up to the light part of the box and it was very clear!
We decided to keep it a secret from everyone except our families until after the NT scan. For our families, we decided to tell them on Mother's Day just like we did last time. Except this time, we were all together. Sean had planned a surprise 30th birthday party for me at his parents house on Mother's Day (May 9). After all the guests had left except for our families, we had Jacob walk out wearing this shirt:

Our families were very excited! We got their reactions on video, but I wish we had thought to take some pictures too.
We decided to keep it a secret from everyone except our families until after the NT scan. For our families, we decided to tell them on Mother's Day just like we did last time. Except this time, we were all together. Sean had planned a surprise 30th birthday party for me at his parents house on Mother's Day (May 9). After all the guests had left except for our families, we had Jacob walk out wearing this shirt:
Our families were very excited! We got their reactions on video, but I wish we had thought to take some pictures too.
South Florida: we went July 4th weekend to visit Grandma and Grandpa, and we got to tell them our news in person
Dad and Jake taking a nap!

Coming out in his shirt...

Cheesecake factory to celebrate Grandpa's birthday and Grandma and Grandpa's anniversary
We ordered Jacob the "kids strawberries" for dessert, not knowing that it comes with a mound of whipped cream! He loved it!
July 4

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